
child-188655_1280I penned the thought below February 21, 2014 and still find it true to our lives today.  We all have masks we hide behind, willingly put on conforming to the world’s standards, snuffing out the individuals God made us to be.  All to ready to accept sameness and the oppression that comes with it, we find ourselves alone and crave someone to truly know us outside the box of social conformity. Other times we take that step and find ourselves standing alone, rejected by the same people we thought knew us only returning to our boxes and patterns because we believe it safer.

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The Perfect Gift


I remember how excited I felt when I found out I was going to be a mom! I took bits and pieces I loved from those who spoke into my life and configured this model of perfect mom for my children. It wasn’t a bad model but more of a testament to those who spoke into my life, it just set me up to fail before I even became mom. I don’t know about you, but sometimes as a mom I become trapped in my past experiences.

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