Mary, Did You Know?


Mary, Did You Know?

“After seeing him, the shepherds told everyone what had happened and what the angel had said to them about this child. All who heard the shepherds’ story were astonished, but Mary kept all these things in her heart and thought about them often.”

Luke 2:17-19

It’s the Christmas Season once again and the past year has gone by so fast.  Our children have grown physically as well as emotionally; the gentle flapping of their wings in preparation to one day soar. This has left this momma’s heart deep in thought as they experience the ups and downs of life. Some things encountered have revealed the ugliness within my heart.  Others left a void where lack of human understanding left me asking, “Why Lord? Why this? Why now?”

As a mom, I often wonder about little things such as; where and if they will go to college,  will they be successful, who will they marry, will we be blessed with grandchildren…….wait! Do they even want children?  These are big things of course but little in comparison to the condition of their sweet hearts.  Maybe the things considered minor like how they handle adversity or the circumstances life hurls at them are really the bigger revelations worth pondering. What will these trials reveal about their hearts in these instances? What will God show me about who He created them to be? What understanding will I gain in the purpose and direction God has planned for them?

In light of the word of God, Mary knew in giving birth to Jesus He would be great and called the Son of the Most High and would reign over Israel forever.  In knowing this, did she really grasp the full picture of Jesus and the life which would unfold before her eyes? As with any parent, we hope and know that in God there is a plan for our children and they will do great things, but do we understand what that will look like?We see in Luke 2, after the birth of Jesus, angels appeared before shepherds announcing Christ’s birth telling them to go to Bethlehem to see the new-born King.  After seeing Jesus, the shepherds told everyone what the angels told them about Him. All who heard were astonished but Mary kept all these things in her heart and thought about them often. (Luke 2:8-20) Did she understand the significance of the babe lying in the manger right before her eyes? Did she understand the greatness He would bring and what all would come with it? What about seeing Mary thinking and pondering over everything about her child over a cup of coffee…..or with friends?

Mary knew who her son was and what His purpose was to be for it was told to her; but did she know what all his life would entail. Did she have the same hopes and dreams we have for our children? Did she know in His greatness He would be despised and hated? I know I wouldn’t want that for my children, quite the contrary instead! Even though Mary knew more than we know about our children’s call in life, she wouldn’t have known her child would one day walk on water, heal the sick and be the atoning sacrifice for all who would believe in Him? What amazing things He did and yet He was rejected!  We as moms cringe at the thought of our children being rejected by other let alone not included in something. Instead, Mary kept all these things in her heart as the Lord unfolded them before her and she thought about them often. That is some serious revelation and pondering of who God revealed His son to be.

We are not much different from Mary in the fact that we don’t know what our children’s lives will bring about, nor will we fully understand the meaning or reasoning in the circumstances and challenges they will face.  One thing’s for sure though, it all works for the good in Him who has created them. Maybe it’s not so much as pondering on our wishes and hopes for them or understanding the meaning and reasons why things happen.  Maybe it’s more so drinking in the very things God reveals about our children and who He is making them to be.

5 thoughts on “Mary, Did You Know?

  1. Wow, thank you for this reminder. I remember when I was quite pregnant with my first baby over Christmas I thought more deeply about Mary’s plight, but haven’t thought deeply about it since then. Thank you for this gentle reminder.


  2. I remember when I was quite pregnant with my first child over Christmas. I thought more than ever about Mary’s plight. 🙂 But I haven’t thought through it much since then. Thank you for this gentle reminder!

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